This session will focus on how to prepare your organization to receive and investigate reports of unwelcome behaviors. We will identify the increased harm and impact of unwelcome behaviors as they become more egregious, identify the best practices for taking a report and what an investigation should entail.
Cost: FREE
About the Presenters: Jim Miller and Gina McClard, J.D., offer trainings designed for the bold and adventurous individuals who make their home in the outdoors industry through curricula based on a philosophy of respect, trust and equity and in the workplace.
A licensed member of the Oregon (1997) and Illinois (1994) State Bar Associations, Gina has championed the rights of women and underserved groups as a victim’s advocate, legislative consultant, and legal counsel in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. She offers an intimate and in-depth knowledge of the culture and legalities of sexual misconduct and violence to help mitigate the effects of workplace misconduct.
Jim Miller is a lifelong lover of the outdoors. His thirty-year career as a member of the outdoor recreation industry includes raft guiding for Mountain Travel-Sobek, marketing and fielding retail training initiatives for brands such as Yakima Racks and Werner Paddles, owning a multi-unit retail specialty store, and offering consulting services to outdoor and action sports manufacturers and retailers. In his time in the industry, Jim was inspired early on by outdoor companies who have led issues of social awareness and work-life culture, and he seeks to advance them by supporting positive change in the ways people relate and interact while at work.